Tag: Gossip247

10 Fitness-Friendly Christmas Recipes: Celebrate health without compromise

The holiday season doesn't mean compromising on your fitness goals. Here's a collection of protein-rich, nutrient-dense Christmas recipes that keep…

How to check diastasis recti

Diastasis recti is a common concern among many women, and if you're wondering if you have it, you're not alone.…

Dorian Yates Workout: Blood & Guts Review

30/06/2022 share tweet share As any seasoned lifter will attest, the moment you stop adding more weights to the bar…

Do You Really Need Isolation Exercises? 3 Times When They Are Necessary

Are isolation exercises necessary, or can you get by with compound exercises? Based on my 15 years in the fitness…

Lead Yourself to Better Health: A Review of Jim Dittmer's Book 15 Commitments to Conscious Leadership

It doesn't matter how good you are at leading others; If you can't lead yourself, you'll never reach your health…

Crazy diet and wishful thinking

Photo by scofano @Freepik In the years that David's Method to Health and Fitness has been around, we've heard thousands…

Excel at the Bench Press: A Powerlifter's Guide to Maximizing Leg Drive

Enter the gym Imagine the atmosphere of a gym – the familiar metal clang, the machines, the coveted bench press,…

My goals and races for 2022

In the last couple of years, I haven't been documenting my goals and major races, and while I still had…

You must love the process

You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. I never expected to…

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